For businesses of all sizes, having an online presence is essential, especially in this digital age. Of course, as expected, having a website can be quite expensive and from designing the website to purchasing a domain name, there are lots of little costs you should expect along the way. Due to these additional expenses, when businesses see something like web hosting offered for free, it isn’t a surprise that they consider this as an option.

There is no denying that anything that is offered for free by one company will make you question why you should pay for it elsewhere but, as far as web hosting is concerned, a free service definitely isn’t as good as it sounds. If you’re wondering why you shouldn’t use free web hosting, keep reading today. Our team here at JustHostMe have put together a list of reasons why it really is best to avoid this service and opt for a paid service instead.

Numerous limitations

You can almost guarantee that the ‘free’ version of web hosting offered by any company will have numerous limitations. Things such as limited storage, server space and bandwidth should all be expected with free web hosting and if you wish to upgrade these basics or if you require any additional resources then you will need to pay for them. So your free service will no longer be free.

Security issues

Unfortunately, free web hosting is also known for having numerous security issues. It is no secret that your website will be threatened by viruses or hackers and it is very rare that a company offering free web hosting will do all they can to protect your website. Some websites can be defaced or even deleted due to poor security and this can be detrimental to businesses.

Minimal customer support

As far as any kind of customer or technical support is required, it isn’t uncommon for this to be virtually non-existent with free web hosting. After all, you aren’t paying for their services so they won’t feel obliged to keep you happy. If you do manage to get advice from a free web hosting company, there is no guarantee that it will be accurate, so be careful in this regard.

Spam of adverts

Of course, every company needs to make money somehow and if you’re not paying for web hosting then there is a high chance that a web hosting company will be making their money from advertising. You can expect them to inject your website with paid ads from other businesses causing your website to look unprofessional and your business look untrustworthy.

Ownership issues

When looking into free web hosting you always need to ensure that you read the terms and conditions provided by the company. It is quite common for these to state that when your website is hosted with them, you no longer own it, they do. This can be incredibly frustrating for businesses and often leads to them having to pay to get ownership of their website back.

SEO issues

Whilst this won’t be the case for every web hosting company offering free web hosting, there is a high chance that the majority of companies will cause damage to your SEO, causing issues with your website being found on search engines. There are many factors that will be considered when ranking your website and many will be negatively impacted by free hosting.

Choosing paid web hosting

All in all, whilst free web hosting may seem like a brilliant idea to save yourself some money, it actually isn’t as good as it sounds. In general, paid web hosting isn’t extortionate anyway and you can expect to pay around as little as £7.50 a month for business hosting. In the grand scheme of things, this £7.50 will be a worthwhile investment and you can guarantee that you will thank yourself in the long run for not choosing a free alternative.

If you’re searching for a web hosting company that can provide you with paid web hosting that is incredible value for money, visit the JustHostMe website today. None of our UK web hosting plans are limited by features, you will benefit from 24/7/365 support and you’ll never have to worry about anything else mentioned above either when you choose us for your web hosting. If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to get in touch, we’re always happy to help.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

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