When you are choosing a hosting provider, there are a lot of factors that you need to consider. Web hosting management software is one aspect that often gets overlooked and can be overshadowed by other considerations. A poor user interface, however, could have a very negative impact on all kinds of important administrative tasks and make it more difficult to keep your site running.
This is why cPanel, a hosting management control panel, gives you more oversight of your website and your server. With cPanel, you get a wide range of tools that are easy for beginners to grasp, and will simplify administration without the need for nuanced technical knowledge.
What Is A Web Hosting Account Control Panel?
Hosting control panels are web-based applications that will allow you to access a range of server-related options. With a control panel, you don’t have to turn to confusing technical solutions, such as a command line. You can carry out various high-level management tasks on your own, such as organizing files or creating email accounts.
A cPanel offers a clear interface on a single, easy-to-navigate page that makes sure that you can find the tools you need promptly and with minimal confusion. To put it simply, cPanel can make managing your CMS a little bit easier.
In most cases, your control panel will come pre-packaged with your web hosting plan. That can be a big benefit to you for a number of reasons. One of the biggest benefits is that your host is likely to have lots of helpful resources readily available. These resources will help you to get familiar with the various tools that are available to you in the control panel.
Is cPanel Hosting Necessary For WordPress?
cPanel is one of the most popular hosting control panels for WordPress. Over the last few years, it has been improved dramatically, and the software is often recognised for being efficient and having lots of useful management capabilities. It can make managing your website through your hosting provider much easier, but do you actually need cPanel hosting for WordPress?
cPanel does make a wide range of management tasks easier, but in all honesty, the answer is no. You don’t need to have cPanel in order for WordPress to function correctly, however, it is recommended.
While you don’t need it, cPanel web hosting has a lot of features that are useful for WordPress users. It might be a good idea to think about choosing hosting that includes cPanel. You can live without it, but the advantages are obvious.
Building your website is just the beginning. You need to maintain your website over time, which will probably require you to access some of the files on your server, add features like email accounts, or troubleshoot a database error.
With cPanel hosting in the UK, you will be better equipped to manage and organize various parts of your site and server, like:
- Installing WordPress with one click
- Creating backups of your site easily
- Accessing your FTP credentials
- Managing your website’s email accounts
- Maintaining your MySQL Database
- Incorporating some additional safety features
For more information on cPanel hosting, visit our cPanel Web Hosting page to learn what we can do to help you.
Thursday, April 28, 2022